Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The Sisters of Straygarden Place


Seven years ago the Ballastians left their three daughters alone at Straygarden Place.  They left a note telling the girls to stay inside away from the grass, and that's what they've done for all these years.  The house provides them with clothing, food, and companionship.  The youngest, Pavonine, doesn't really remember their parents, but Mayhap and her older sister Winnow do.  The three girls have been alone in the house with the exception of their droomhunds, doglike creatures that allow them to sleep.  Their family suffers from a peculiar malady that won't let them sleep without them.

Life continues on unchanged until the day Winnow goes out into the grass and returns changed.  She seems afraid of Mayhap, and she's turning silver.  The grass seems hungrier to enter the house than ever, and Mayhap doesn't know what to do.  She's determined to figure out how to help Winnow, but a mysterious figure called the Mysteriessa appears and tells her to leave Winnow alone and stop investigating.  

The more Mayhap investigates, the more she learns about the history of the house and how the magic inside works.  She's convinced the only way to help Winnow is to uncover the truth, but what if the truth is too heartbreaking to bear?

Hayley Chewins slim book is a dark gothic fantasy for fans who like their magic with a creepy twist.  Recommended!

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