Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The List of Things That Will Not Change

 When Bea's parents got divorced, they gave her a list of things that would not change.  This list has been a comfort to her over the years that have passed.  It's a reminder that her parents will always love her and each other.  It has been a little strange going from one apartment to the other all the time, but Bea's family has grown instead of shrinking.  Now she has her dad's boyfriend Jesse and Jesse's sister Sheila who stays with her sometimes when her parents have to work.  

When her dad announces he and Jesse are getting married, Bea is so excited!  She loves Jesse and Sheila.  Plus, Jesse has a daughter, too.  Sonia and Bea are practically the same age, and Bea has always wanted a sister!  She can't wait to meet her new soon to be sister!  

Bea has been seeing a therapist since the divorce, and Miriam has really helped her deal with some of her anxiety and process her emotions so she doesn't act out when she's frustrated or angry.  Sometimes she still does things even she doesn't understand like when she is so happy she kicks a broken bottle and cuts her foot.  Miriam warns her that Sonia may not be as excited as Bea to leave California for a long stay in New York.  What if she isn't happy about her dad remarrying?  

As the wedding day approaches, Bea learns to process her feelings about past hurts and guilt over things she's done to hurt others.  She also comes to the stunning realization that some people might not be happy about her dad and Jesse getting married.

Rebecca Stead's newest book is aimed at a younger audience than her previous titles.  It was good and emotionally resonant, but I couldn't help thinking Bea does get away with too much even if she does have anxiety.  You can't just go around pushing people or hitting them because you are anxious or frustrated.  Bea is in fifth grade, but she seems younger to me.  It's good but not my favorite. 

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