Monday, October 21, 2019

The Geography of Lost Things

Ali's feelings about her dad are complicated.  He left her and her mother twice, and it always seemed like he cared more about his car and some 90s grunge band than his own daughter.  It's been years since she's seen him, but it isn't really a surprise when she finds out he died.  It was bound to happen. 

What is a surprise is the 1968 Firebird convertible which arrives shortly after his death.  He left her his prize possession.  Ali hates that car for all it represents, but it just might be the thing that saves her. 

The bank is foreclosing on their house.  They have to be out by the end of the week, but Ali has a buyer for the Firebird, and what he's offering is enough to pay off what they owe on the mortgage.  The problem?  The buyer is in Crescent City, a five hour drive, and Ali doesn't know how to drive a stick.

Enter her ex-boyfriend, Nico.  Nico offers to drive the car in exchange for $1000, but it seems like he has more in mind.  Ali still has feelings for Nico, but she can't get over the fact that lied to her, just like her father.  Dishonesty is a major deal breaker for her. 

Nico doesn't want Ali to get rid of the car because it's awesome, and he is also worried she will regret giving up the only piece of her dad.  He convinces her they can trade up using Craig's List.  Ali is skeptical, but she agrees to play along as long as they are still headed toward that buyer in Crescent City. Can they really trade up to $25,000 in a week? 

But it's not just the money; this one week may change Ali's perspective on everything.

Jessica Brody's new road trip romance is a fun adventure with plenty of soul searching.  Recommended for grades 8 and up.

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