Wednesday, October 9, 2019

A Good Kind of Trouble

Shayla is allergic to trouble.  She is the ultimate rule follower, so it's no surprise she doesn't understand her older sister's involvement in the Black Lives Matter movement.

Shayla just wants to make it through 7th grade with her friendships in tact and maybe find a cute boy who will overlook her extra large forehead. 

But when the coach praises her running skills and asks her to try out for track, Shayla starts to think of herself in a new way.  She is also surprised this causes some ripples among her friends.  It seems like everyone suddenly has their own interests and no time to devote to each other. 

Then someone at school says she's not black enough.  Wait.  What?  How can Shayla not be black enough?  How is that even possible?

When Shayla attends a protesst, her worldview suddenly changes, and she decides to wear a black armband to school in support of Black Lives Matter.  She never imagined one little decision could shake up her whole life!

Lisa Moore Ramee's book is a great pick for upper elementary and middle school readers.  It's a little simplistic, but that makes it more accessible.  I listened to this in the car with my 9 year old niece who is an advanced reader from a rural, mostly white community.  She asked me to pause the story frequently to ask questions and clarify situation for her.  This book brought up issues she had never even considered and got her thinking about bias.  This book will give kids a safe place to think and confront their own biases.  That's a successful read!  Recommended.

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