Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Thanks a Lot, Universe

Brian has always struggled with social anxiety, but when his dad disappears to avoid going to prison from his secret criminal life, everything gets worse.  His mom goes into a depression and has to be hospitalized, and now Brian and his younger brother are in foster care.  He doesn't feel like he has anyone to talk to, and the pressure of his father's expectations to "man up" coupled with everything else has him on the edge.

Ezra has always been popular.  It's easy for him to make friends, and he's always included in social activities.  Lately, things have been changing.  His best friend has been hanging out with different guys and saying things that are not cool, things that are racist or homophobic.  There's also Brian.  He's never really been much of a talker, but he seems even more removed than ever.  Ezra wants to help him, but he's afraid if he does, the other guys on the team will realize he has a crush on Brian, and he's not sure they will continue to accept him.

Things come to a head when Brian and his brother run away from foster care.  Even though their friendship is in the beginning stages, Ezra may be the person who knows him the best.  And he may be the only one Brian is willing to reach out to in his distress.

This novel by Chad Lucas was a surprising gem.  Both boys are written with sensitivity and honesty.  Many people write off thirteen year old boys as having no depth, but these characters feel real.  The reactions of Lucas's friends when he comes out are realistic.  Some are accepting, but other are not.  Both Brian and Ezra realize they need to be honest about their feelings and accept help when it is offered.  Highly recommended.

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