Monday, March 22, 2021

When Life Gives You Mangos

Life is good for Clara on her island home in the Caribbean.  Sometimes there are hurricanes, but that is to be expected when you live on an island.  Everyone knows everyone in her small community outside the city, but that's how she likes it...most of the time! The only thing unusual about Clara is she can't remember anything that happened last summer.  Sometimes people will tell her things, but it still feels odd to know she was there but can't remember.

Her best friend is her cousin Gaynah.  They don't always agree, but they've been best friends since they were tiny.  They love to race around the neighborhood playing games with the other kids, but sometimes they sneak into their secret hideout, a dugout they made hidden behind some bushes.  No one knows about it, and it's the perfect place to share secrets with a friend or hideout when you need some alone time.

Lately, though, Gaynah has been acting mean to Clara.  Clara can't figure out why her best friend would turn on her like this, but it's really putting a wrench in her summer plans.  Gaynah just wants to be flirt with boys and treat Clara like a little kid.

When the kids hear about a new girl coming to visit from the United States, they are excited.  They never have new people in Sycamore.  Clara is afraid Gaynah will get to the new girl first and tell her about Clara's memory problems.  She doesn't want this new girl to think she is a freak before they've even met, especially now that her relationship with Gaynah is on rocky ground.  

I really enjoyed this coming of age story from Kereen Getten.  It's a sweet story of friendship and acceptance with lots of small-town adventure.  I don't want to spoil anything, but the twist in this book actually caught me off guard.  No spoilers!  But this is well-written and very enjoyable.  Highly recommended.

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