Monday, September 21, 2020

Tweet Cute


Pepper is a perfectionist.  She's the captain of the swim team, vying for the valedictorian spot, and managing relationships with her divorced parents and frustrated older sister.  Plus, Big League Burger, her family's chain of fast-food restaurants is growing like crazy in large part thanks to Pepper's Twitter skills.  She doesn't really want to manage the corporate Twitter account, but she definitely has a talent for snarky comebacks and well-placed memes.  

Jack is more concerned with a good joke than competing for the top spot.  He also has to deal with his ridiculously popular twin brother's fallout.  He's really good at starting things but not so good at following through.  It works out fine if you have an identical twin who can fill in for you.  He spends most of his free time helping out in his family's deli.  When Big League Burger steals his grandmother's recipes for its new grilled cheese sandwiches, he takes to Twitter to sound off.

Pepper and Jack have never really been friends, even though she is one of the few people who can tell him and his twin apart.  In the midst of a Twitter war that has grabbed national attention, they have also been messaging each other anonymously on an app Jack created.  Are they destined to be enemies, or could this be true love?

Emma Lord's YA rom-com is good fun with a social media twist.  While the romance plot is fairly light, both characters are well developed with their own family issues to deal with.  Pepper doesn't actually want to be on the corporate Twitter account, but her mother constantly pressures her to keep up with it even during school hours.  Jack feels like the less successful twin, and he loves the family business as much as he feels trapped by it.  This is a romance novel that could appeal to female and male readers.  Recommended for grades 8 and up.

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