Tuesday, August 25, 2020

What Lane?


Stephen has a sudden realization one day when one of his Black friends accuses him of only hanging out with white kids.  He didn't realize it was happening, but now that he thinks about it, it seems to be true.  Stephen is biracial, and his best friend Dan is white.  He's also started noticing how people who don't know them treat the boys differently.  Store owners will reprimand Stephen and sometimes even kick him out while ignoring Dan who is doing the same thing.  

When Dan's cousin moves into the neighborhood, things start to change.  He says and does little things that make Stephen uncomfortable, but he isn't sure he should bring it up with Dan.  What if his best friend chooses family over friendship?

Chad also likes to dare the other kids to do dangerous and possibly illegal things.  Stephen knows that as the only person of color in the group, he will receive the harshest punishment if they are caught.  All this has him asking himself if this is his lane.  Is this the person he wants to be?

Torrey Maldonado's new book is a great pick for middle grade readers struggling to figure out how they fit into the world.  Biracial and Black readers will empathize with Stephen's struggles and celebrate his successes.  Recommended.

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