Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Strangers

Chess, Emma, and Finn come home one day to find their mother horrified by a news broadcast about three missing kids in Arizona.  At first, they don't understand why their mom is so upset.  They live in Pennsylvania.  How could this affect them?  Then they see it.  The Arizona kids are the same ages as the Greystones, 12, 10, and 8.  Plus, they look almost identical!

This must be some kind of strange coincidence, but their mom is acting weird.  When she suddenly decides to go on a business trip leaving the kids with a woman they barely know, the feeling of wrongness only increases.

They know their mom didn't tell them the whole truth, and they are desperate to figure out what's going on.  If their mom is in danger, they have to help her!  As they begin uncovering clues, the reality of the situation slowly becomes clear, and it's almost more than they can comprehend.

Margaret Peterson Haddix's new book is a great sci-fi mystery perfect for middle grade kids.  I just wish they were a little bit older, but it really doesn't matter.  The kids only need to see HADDIX on the cover, and they are ready to read! Recommended!

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