Thursday, October 19, 2017


Red is a 200 year old oak who has been providing shade and shelter to the neighborhood for most of her life.  But she has a special role, too.  She is a wishtree.  Every year in the days leading up to May 1, people write their wishes on scraps of paper or fabric and attach them to Red's branches.

This year a new family has moved into the neighborhood, and the little girl has a special wish.  She wants a friend, but some people are uncomfortable with Samar's family because they are Muslims.

One day a boy carves the word "Leave" into Red's trunk, and it causes a flurry of activity.  News crews are filming the neighborhood and asking questions, and the lady who owns the property has decided maybe it's time to cut down the old oak.

Since this could be her last wishing day, Red wants to take an active part and try to grant Samar's wish.

This is another beautiful story about friendship from Katherine Applegate.  The best part for me was how many of the children were able to see past the adults' prejudices to welcome a new friend to the neighborhood.  The characters are a little young, but my middle schoolers love Applegate's books, so this will be an easy sell.

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