Tuesday, August 29, 2017

The Van Gogh Deception

One cold December afternoon a boy sits alonce in the National Gallery.  He can't remember who he is or how he got there.  The name written in his jacket is Arthur, so that's what his foster mother and her daughter, Camille, decide to call him.

The following day, they decide to go back to the National Gallery to see if anything jogs his memory.  He doesn't remember anything personal, but he does discover he is some kind of art expert with knowledge far beyond your average twelve-year-old.

While they are investigating his identity at the museum, Art and Camille soon realize they have become targets of kidnappers. They still aren't sure why, but they know they need to escape.  Are the police in on the plot?  Who is behind the kidnapping?  Does it have anything to do with Art's amnesia?

Now they are in a race across Washington, D.C. to uncover the truth before their enemies stop them for good.

Meanwhile, the National Gallery is in the process of purchasing a long lost Van Gogh painting.  Could this have anything to do with the people who are after Art and Camille?

This new mystery by Deron Hicks is a fast paced adventure with QR codes to link the reader to images to the works of art discussed in the story.  This book is sure to please mystery and art fans alike!


  1. Is this going to work for my almost-11-year-old, or is it on the older side? Art mysteries are one of her things--she loved Framed! and Under the Egg.

  2. This will be perfect for her, especially if she liked Framed! It's a lot more intense action-wise, but it has the smart kids working together angle. Make sure she has a device with a QR code reader. That's a big part of the fun!
